
September 21, 2011

The Nightmare Boss and Feedback

"No one can make you feel small without your consent," Eleanor Roosevelt once said. Easier said than done, though. Many of us have been at the receiving end of bad feedback. And if we are honest, we may have on occasion given feedback that was less than graceful, let alone empowering. As a cookie break, here are three short videos of worst practices: how not do do it. Enjoy.

Here is a video by writer/director Paul Parducci of how not to do the quarterly performance review:

Here is one feedback session filled with rhetorical questions and pretenses of asking the employee what they think:

And here is a feedback by a boss berating the employee for being a total of 8 minutes late over a month:

What do you think? What stories do you have of giving or receiving bad feedback? What are your findings on what works and what does not? I look forward to reading you on

P.S. To learn how to (and how not to) give effective feedback, read my book "Leadership in 100 Days."

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