
March 31, 2010

Why Traditional Planning Is Bankrupt and What to Do

Traditional strategic planning works for building a house or the sewage system of Mumbai, but it is obsolete for at least 5 reasons. How can you end the divorce of strategy and action, stop treating people like objects, and end business-as-usual?

March 17, 2010

The 10 Most Costly Sins When Working Across Borders

Culture clashes can lead to serious strategic fiascos, as when Microsoft wanted to launch Windows95 in China. Here are the ten most costly sins committed by ethnocentric managers. 

March 03, 2010

Coaching Without Demand Is Just Noise

Since soldiers in Baghdad (or the company's frontline people) have intelligence just as vital as the ideas in the Pentagon (or the boardroom), coaching has become an essential competence in all organizations. But how do you make sure your people want your coaching?